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Detect Change in form fields

<script type=”text/javascript”>
var formChanged = false;
jQuery(window).load(function() { // This is triggered when the entiire page is loaded fully
// form id and all the possible filed type in that form, You can also target by field type, name, class or id
jQuery(‘#FrmIdToTarget input[type=text], #FrmIdToTarget select.form-control’).each(function (i)
// console.log(‘a’);
jQuery(this).data(‘initial_value’, jQuery(this).val());

jQuery(‘#FrmIdToTarget input[type=text], #FrmIdToTarget select.form-control’).keyup(function()
if (jQuery(this).val() != jQuery(this).data(‘initial_value’)) {
// console.log(‘1’);
jQuery(‘#FrmIdToTarget input[type=text], #FrmIdToTarget select.form-control’).bind(‘change paste’, function()
// console.log(‘b’);

jQuery(document.body).on(“click”, “#submitFormButtonId, button.cancelBtnDrvbtn”, function () {
if(formChanged === true){
return confirmNavigation();



function handleFormChanged(formSaveBtnId) {
// alert(‘formSaveBtnId=’+formSaveBtnId);
formChanged = true;

function confirmNavigation() {
if (formChanged) {
return confirm(‘You have changes to save, Please save before moving to next tab? Otherwise your changes will be lost!’);
} else {
return true;

Author: admin

Vinod Ram has been in Software Industry since 2006 and has experience of over 16 years in Software Development & Project Management domain specialised majorly in LAMP stack & Open Source Technology, building enterprise level Web based Application, Large Database driven and huge traffic Websites and Project Management. He loves to write information articles and blog to share his knowledge and experience with the outside world and help people to find solution for their problems.