January 26, 2024Detect Change in form fields
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var formChanged = false;
jQuery(window).load(function() { // This is triggered when the entiire page is loaded fully
// form id and all the possible filed type in that form, You can also target by field type, name, class or id
jQuery(‘#FrmIdToTarget input[type=text], #FrmIdToTarget select.form-control’).each(function (i)
// console.log(‘a’);
jQuery(this).data(‘initial_value’, jQuery(this).val());
jQuery(‘#FrmIdToTarget input[type=text], #FrmIdToTarget select.form-control’).keyup(function()
if (jQuery(this).val() != jQuery(this).data(‘initial_value’)) {
// console.log(‘1’);
jQuery(‘#FrmIdToTarget input[type=text], #FrmIdToTarget select.form-control’).bind(‘change paste’, function()
// console.log(‘b’);
jQuery(document.body).on(“click”, “#submitFormButtonId, button.cancelBtnDrvbtn”, function () {
if(formChanged === true){
return confirmNavigation();
function handleFormChanged(formSaveBtnId) {
// alert(‘formSaveBtnId=’+formSaveBtnId);
formChanged = true;
function confirmNavigation() {
if (formChanged) {
return confirm(‘You have changes to save, Please save before moving to next tab? Otherwise your changes will be lost!’);
} else {
return true;