August 02, 2012Replace any text from html text by tag name with specific attribute in php
function replace_tag_with_specific_attr_type( $tagAttribute, $tagAttributeValue, $subjectStr, $tagName=null,$replaceStr ) {
if( is_null($tagName) )
$tagName = ‘\w+’;
$tagName = preg_quote($tagName);
$tagAttribute = preg_quote($tagAttribute);
$tagAttributeValue = preg_quote($tagAttributeValue);
$match_regex = “/<(“.$tagName.”)[^>]*$tagAttribute\s*=\s*”.
$result = str_replace($matches[3],$replaceStr,$subjectStr);
return $result;
Usage :
Say for Example
$ActualStr : ‘<div class=’bannerpicsd’ ><span style=”margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; width: 540px;”>something</span><p style=”float: right; margin: -240px 0 0; width: 200px;”>This is the actual String</p></div>’;
$StrToReplaceWith = ‘This is the replaces str’;
Now you want to replace all the text inside the div tags with class name “bannerpicsd” from $ActualStr with $StrToReplaceWith
Then you can do as below:
$replacedStr = replace_tag_with_specific_attr_type(‘class’,’bannerpicsd’,$ActualStr,’div’,$StrToReplaceWith);
Result :
<div class=”bannerpicsd” >This is the replaces str</div>
Enjoy 🙂