February 02, 2016Timezone issue with cron
If your cron job timing does’t match with the server time zone for example. You have set the cron to run at 12:30 PM, but when you see the cron log the time show say 3:40 PM. So to run your cron job as per your time zone Say if you are in India, your cron job should run as per Indian time. So you have to add the following line before your cron job line.
CRON_TZ=”Asia/Kolkata” ## This is the important line
03 18 * * * wget >> /var/www/html/abc/logs/test-`date +\%Y\%m\%d`.log
`date +\%Y\%m\%d` => This will create the log as per date month and year wise. Date format enclosed by tick (`) sign